Kingdom Kids
New Life Kids offers a fun and loving environment, while teaching children about the love of Christ. Our fun spirited Kingdom Kids volunteers, who each have been background checked, are devoted to teaching children and helping parents disciple their families.

Music Ministry
The Worship team strives to create an environment that allows both the Christian and non-Christian to feel the freedom to worship and connect with God. The team consists of vocalists and musicians. We desire to create an atmosphere of vulnerability, while communicating the vision of Bridge Church through our music and being ministers of the Gospel of Jesus through song.

Media Ministry
The media team is comprised of two sub teams: Audio and Visual. The audio team uses the mixing board to control the levels of the sound coming from our musicians, singers and speakers. The visual team ensures that the proper text, picture, and video files are prepared and shown at the correct times during the service.
Ushers and Greeters
The Hospitality, Ushers, and Greeters Ministry of New Life Baptist Church are among the first friendly faces you will meet coming inside our church. They are at each entrance to the main auditorium to greet, assist, and help you as you arrive. They are our Ushers who you will see in the auditorium lending a helping hand to guests and members. They are the friendly and caring individuals who prepare and serve refreshments to our first time visitors after the service. In the hospitality room is where the visitors get an opportunity to meet the pastor, first lady and pastoral staff. It is nearly impossible to get into the auditorium of New Life Baptist church prior to the services without being greeted, smiled at or having your hand shaken or all three in any of our services. We strive to be the warmest and friendliest church in town!

Our Ushers are the helping hands in the main auditorium helping guests and members find seats in the auditorium and assitisting in any way they can to make your visit to New Life, warm and pleasant.They are led by Bro. Samuel Singleton(Far Right) and are the oldest helps ministry of the church.
In our services you will notice a group of ladies working with the ushers. They are there to cater to the special needs of women in our services and to assist them in any way they can. They are supported by our parish nurse and her assistants who are also registered nurses. They work as an auxilliary of the usher’s group and are led by Sis Mary Carter(Center Left). These ladies provide the gentle comfort and security needed in sometimes sensitive situations.