God’s purpose for man was for him to lead in the home and in the church
The Men of Honor is a self supporting ministry, whose members hold several fund raisers throughout the year to help finance their community projects, and benevolence efforts. Money is raised to not only build and repair, but to help the needy and less fortunate during the holidays and throughout the year.
The Men’s Fellowship now called the Men of Honor led by Bro. Wardell Isom and the Young men of Honor led by Bro. Aquil Flythe is a prayer and service ministry of New Life Baptist, serving not only the local church, but the local community as well. These men provide a needed service in the community usually financially out of reach of most of their beneficiaries.
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
They host the annual single ladies car care clinic at the church garage, where basic service is provided for free. They build porches, paint houses, do yard work, and cleaning for those in need, who do not have someone to provide for them. They are the pastor’s hands to do things he would do if he could. The theme verse for the ministry is Psalm 133:1
Meetings are held on an as needed basis for breakfast and fellowship and all men, school age and above are welcome to take part. The Young Men of Honor led by Bro. Aquil Flythe and is open to school age young men. The Men of Honor fellowship membership is open to all even if they do not attend or are not a member at New Life Baptist Church. There is no qualification for service to others, outside of desire to serve others.